Trying this again

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Well, the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over now. Plus, the snow is slowly melting away, which means that it will soon be life as normal. Actually there is one factor changed. I have just quit smoking!! I had decided that once I finished the pack of smokes I was working on, I would quit. My reason? Simple. I had decided that I did not deserve to stand out in the cold just to smoke a cigarette. I deserve better than that. There are a few other good reasons, but I will save them for my first step when I decide to write it out.

I really should post this on the Nicotine Anonymous site. It helps people get through a rough time in their lives. Nobody said the quitting was going to be easy. I am really scared about this one. The reason I did not make it last time was because I could not imagine myself not smoking. For some reason, I do not see myself ever being a non-smoker. Now, I also told myself that I would never drive again, and that I would never see one year sobriety. Both of those have been accomplished. Maybe I can accomplish this one too. I will see.

Well, this is enough from me for now.