Rambling again

I am starting to get a bit burned out on posting right now. I kind of wish that Blog Explosion would hurry up and approve my site. I guess that I need to be patient here. Time takes time, I guess.

It started snowing out here today. What really sucks is that I am going to have to walk to the bus stop to get to work tomorrow. I really do not like this idea, but we live up on a hill, and I do not feel comfortable riding in the car down this hill. So, I guess that I will feel safer to walk. I just do not look forward to it.

I guess that I am going out to Fife for Christmas. I am not really looking forward to this. I am just wondering why he cannot come out here and celebrate Christmas. I don’t know, I would rather be around family eating a homemade Christmas dinner than sitting alone in a motel room eating a microwave dinner. I guess that he is letting his attitude take over.

I guess that what I am feeling about him right now is that if he chooses to live his life in misery, that is his prerogative. I just do not have to join him in his misery. I can choose to be happy and to live a happy life. I can choose to let go of the past and look forward to the future. I do not need a life where I need money, sex, or alcohol to make me feel better about who I am. I can feel good about my accomplishments. Today, this is a choice. I do not choose to wake up and hear him complain about his co-workers.

Life is stressful. It is that way for everybody. We all have to deal with those people that when they talk you really wonder if they really managed to dress themselves. At workplaces, some of the employees will get special treatment not because of their work merit, but because the boss likes the person better. Relationships are work. That is all there is to it. I do not know.

Sometimes I wonder that if all our problems stem from differences between men and women. I have heard so many women say that their men are not supportive of them. I do not know. I had other issues with him to.

I really should get off of this topic. I need to fix me, and improve my life. I am my top priority.

Well, this is enough from me for now.

( this is where a clever closing line to be determined later will go)
