Getting paid again

OK, here I go again. Once again, I am not sure what to post about. I am really excited about having money tomorrow. Maybe this month, I will be able to have my money last a bit longer. There are a few thing that I will not need to get, though. I would like to get a few more towels so that I can have a complete set of them. I only have two of each color right now.. I would like to have four of each color. I guess that I look at having towels for the entire week, between laundry days. I do not know.

I took my kids out the the waterfront today. I guess that there was kind of a feeling in the air today that maybe I should take me and the kids out of the house for a while. Plus, I just wanted to be someplace where I could find a smoke. I know that I have already mentioned that tomorrow is payday, and I will be able to finally get some smokes in the morning. I also think that somewhere in this blog I posted about how I wish that a pack of smokes would last me a couple days. Well, if I didn’t, I am mentioning it now. LOL. As of now, I only have a couple hours until it is time for me to go to bed. I guess that maybe I will cut this post short and post again tomorrow.

Well, this is enough r

ambling from me for now.

Until L8r-

Justa posting

Well, I finally did it!! I am caught up on all the blog entries for the months of August, October, and so far in December!! It took quite a while, but I did it! I still have to post them onto the internet, though, but this will not take that much time. Thank goodness for thumb drives. I was able to type out all the back post as Word documents, and when I get a chance, I can copy and paste them all onto my blog. Yay me!!

I still have some catching up to do, though. I still need to catch up on November’s post. I do not have too many of these to get done, so it should not take me that much time to get them all wrote out. I also have quite a bit of September’s entries to get wrote out. I also have quite a few of them to type onto the computer. I also have lots of copy and paste work to do. This should be easy, though. My fingers are getting tired of typing at this time. I have been doing this for almost five hours now. Oh boy. I think that tonight I am going to type out a list of shorthand items so I can put more onto a page. I know that this is a future post where I talk about shorthand. (Remember now, I am playing catch up here.) I also printed out sheets to put the entries onto. There is not much room on them, so I want to do the shorthand to get more on the paper. Of course, we have the standards like OMG, WTF, LOL, and IMHO. I also added OW for oh well. There are a ton of other things that I can write out. I should have a sheet done before too long I hope.

Well, I am really not sure that I have much else to say for today.

This is enough from me for now.

Until L8R-

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!! It is the day to eat as much as one possibly can, then spend the rest of the day with a hurting tummy. I am sure that this is not the real reason behind the holiday. It was meant as a day to count our blessings and such.
I guess that I do have plenty to be grateful for this year. Last year, I had just got caught having an affair on my Significant Other( SO)( I know that I have used this abbreviation so many times throughout this blog,but just in case you didn’t know, this is what it stands for.) He was so upset at me. He still doesn’t trust me, and wants to use this against me whenever he can. I do not know, but last year things were going rough for us.
Thanksgiving was also the last holiday that we had a home. A few days after Thanksgiving, we got evicted from our apartment. I guess that I’ve posted about the motel rooms that we have been in throughout the last year.
I guess that I am missing my life that I had before moving out to Kitsap County. Today, I know that my life will never be the way it was before. I do miss having time during the day to get stuff done. I will never have time to have a life again. MY days will be full of work and such. If I am lucky, I will find a job where I will get a day off during the week. This would be awesome. I would have at least one day that I can enjoy to myself. I am not supposed to go to the Alano Club anymore. The only reason I will accept to not go there is that I may run into “him” there. I will not stop going just because I may just have another affair on my SO. Actually, I am at high risk of having an affair on him at this time. I am not going to give up a job because I am having feeling for a man who works there. That would just be stupid!! I do not know,I guess that I should post this in another post at a later date.
Today, I am grateful for my family and friends. This was the last place I turned. I assumed that they wouldn’t have the space for me to stay. I know that by doing what I have been doing recently. I will end up right where I need to be in life. Just handle things one day at a time.
Well, this is enough rambling from me today.
Until L8R-

I am so tired!!

I am so tired today. I am not sure why. One thing I can say right now. I can really use getting laid!! LOL. I have not had sex with a partner since October 20th and this was because it was my boyfriend birthday. I had not really been having problems much about wanting to find a new boyfriend. Maybe it is because I am a hormonal mess because my Aunt Flo. I really haven’t noticed if I have a problem with increases libido during my cycle. I do not know. I am not sure if this is something that I really need to discus with anybody.
Today I am wondering why I keep on doing all this blogging. I do not feel that I have too many close friends that read this. I hope that one day, I will meet quite a few friends out there in the computer world. When I was in recovery, I had a couple hundred people on my messenger list. I decided that I was going to start a new with a new screen name. Now, I do not have very many friends at all. I shouldn’t worry, given time I will find some more friends and people who may be interested in what I have to say/
What is going through my imagination recently? Well, a new boyfriend is definitely there. I guess that I still want to fall in love. New love feels so good. I remember when I first met my boyfriend. It was so nice to have somebody who wanted to sit next to me at AA meetings. I did not have anybody. Then he seemed to be interested in me. I felt that the man I was living with was taking me for granted. Sometimes I feel like a total bitch. A lot of the problems I have with my SO are just common men/women differences. Maybe I should have just wen to womens meeting for the first year of recovery. I do not know. It is also wrong to get involved with some body just for the high of new love. I know that it hurts my So to think that I am not giddy about him anymore. Of course I am not. And, I am sorry that I am not too much into wanting to rip his clothes off and jump his bones. We have been together for too long for this to happen. I do not know. I keep telling him that we need to go to counseling. Maybe he can find another way for us to learn communication skills. I never said that I was innocent here, either. I have a lot of things that irritated me about him. I just want a neutral third party to help out. Neither of us take constructive criticism very well. If there was a third person there, and we were both willing to take the advise taken, then the relationship should be able to be worked out.
Well, this is enough gibberish from me for now.
Until L8R-

Kinda Lazy today

I am not sure what I want to post about today. I really didn’t do much of anything. I spent quite a bit of the day cleaning my room and such. I did not know what else to do. I think that I may be having a bit of depression at this time.

I cannot wait until I am able to get my own place. I have signed up for the housing through Kitsap Community Resources. I am not sure when I have to call in, or whether I just have to mention that I want to update my contact.

I have to get busy finding all the stuff that I need to get onto housing. I still need to find time to get the kids social security cards. I just got mine. I also just got my daughter’s birth certificate.

I really do not feel like posting today. I guess that I am going to cut this short. Maybe tomorrow I will be feeling a bit better and more like typing.

Well, this is enough gibberish from me for now.

Until L8R-

Catching Up Again

I cannot believe that I let myself fall behind in posting. I guess that starting a new job will do this to a person. I am not use to being gone all day. Actually, I kind of am, but then again, I still have time on the computer.

I am not sure if I really want to Post, but yet again, how close I am to being totally caught up. Same ole, same ole. I need to finish with September’s post, which I still have to write and type out August and October. Just one of each a day, this is all it takes. Now, I also need to catch up with some of the November post. I can do it.

I surprised myself with how well I did no my interviews. I haven’t been on a job interview for over a year. Both the employers I interviewed with said I did well. And in the second on, I got the hob. Yay me

I am still trying to get a routine down, though. Maybe I should write one out and post I somewhere. There should be plenty of time to get done what I need to. I really should make this a goal of mine. Actually it has been. I need to make time for breakfast and time to make lunch. Plus shower and read e-mails. One step at a time, I guess. Can I do it, Yea I can!

Well, this is enough from me for now.

(here goes a clever closing line that will be determined later.)


More Work To Do

I just discovered how I can add a signature to all my posts. I took and made an image to add to the end of each post. Oh, boy!! Now I am going to have to go through and add the signature to all the post that I have already made. I may be able to make a hand writen signature so that I have a more personalized look to the blog. I do not know. All I know right now is that I have over 60 post that I need to add a closing to. I am not sure if I already have this image saved to the site. This way, all I need to do is type in the url for the image. I think that I am going to try this. I would only have to upload it once.
I now have access to a printer full time. This is cool, considering the discovery I made with My Yahoo and the note pad feature of the mail program. I did not get too much of a chance to take too many notes today. We ended up going grocery shopping, then I decided that I wanted to go for a walk and see if I could find a few butts that I could smoke. What a crazy addiction I have. It seems like it will be forever until the first gets here and I will have money for smokes. I guess that I just need to hang in there. Next thing I know, I will be off for work and stopping off at 7-11 to get a pack. That is only if I do not decide not to smoke in the first place.

After I got back from my walk, it was time to make dinner. I am not sure that it would be too interesting posting about what I made for dinner, but I guess that I will type it out any way.
I had some chicken that needed to be used up. I wanted to make some strognaff, but I could not find any steaks that were priced right. THen I remembered that chicken, and I made the choice of making Chicken Strognoff.

I just realized that I am posting this to the wrong place. Oh, well. I am having a hard time getting it to copy and paste, all. I would like to have all these entries also posted on my thumb drive.
Well, this is enough gibberish from me for now.

Until L8R-

I have discovered that I can keep little notes through the Yahoo programs today. I thought it was so cool. I started to take notes all day about what I was going to post on my blog today. Of course, everything is kind of random on my list. I just typed what ever came to mind at the time. I guess that the first thing that I had to post about was how cool this whole notes to self thing is.
I am not sure if I am going to talk about my house keeping goals in this blog. The house keeping and such is for the Miracle housekeeping site. So I will not post about this at this time.
I did get in touch with my boyfriend today. He wants us to come out there to celebrate Thanksgiving. He is living in a motel room right now. I did tell him that he could have came out here to celebrate with our family. He was wanting us to come out there and celebrate with him. Last year, we were celebrating the last holiday in our apartment. By Christmas, we
I think the Steve may be a bit resentful at my father. The kids and I were supposed ot go out and see him a couple weeks ago. He texted me at 6:00 AM and told me that he thought that it wouldn’t be a good idea for us to go out there. I had decided that I was going to go no matter what he said. It wasn’t about him and me; it was about the kids seeing their father. So, my dad ended up talking to him. I then got accused of lying to my family about him. I did mention to my family that I thought that he was an alcoholic. He will never understand that alcoholism does not have as much to do with how much you drink, or how often you drink, but more about how one acts when they are drinking. I guess that it also goes into why one drinks. If somebody is drinking alcohol to solve a problem, then that may be alcoholism.
It would be cool if I had time everyday to sit and take these notes everyday. Then at the end of the day, I could print out a hard copy and use that to make the post for the day. I will not be able to sit on this program everyday and take notes. I am not sure that I can use this program during the day. It would be cool if I had the chance to do this though. I guess that I will use the old fashioned pen and paper thing to write out post for the day. I do not know.
Well, I guess that this will be enough for today.

OK, I was going to print out some of the things that I got done today, and write it all out prior to inputting it into the computer. I guess that I did not accomplish this. I know that I am going to have to continue posting here on a daily basis if I want to make progress with this journaling thing.
I got back from lunch late today. OOPS!! I had to run to the other office and turn in my time sheet. I accidentally brought the wrong one in, though. It really sucked!! I had to go back to the office and get the right one and turn it in. I do not know, it is kind of important that I get a paycheck. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time now.
There is ten more days until payday comes again. Oh boy, I am looking forward to this!! My check did not even last me half way through the month. I did spend a bit of money on a few items that we needed and have been in need of for quite some time. I have had two men wanting to replace the old coat I was wearing, so I finally decided that I deserved a new coat. I also decided that I needed more undies. I think I posted about this in the past.
Things are crazy!! It seems that either we have plenty of time, but no money to do anything, or we have some money, but no time to go out and do anything. There seems to be no balance in this world. This is the one problem I have. I am so use to having all day to do things like get Social Security cards and birth certificates and such. Now, I am working most of the time, and I do not have time to do much of anything. I know that I do have time to do my blogging, though. I just need to sit down for 15 minutes and write whatever I have going on through my mind. I have that much time. The last few days, I have been so tired that all I wanted to do is lay down and go to sleep. This is why I am about a week behind in posting. I do not know if I really want to spend so much time trying to catch upon all this. I do not really want to ramble on and on about trying to catch up on all the back posts.
I am glad that my life is changing, though. I would love to move back to Auburn, and see if I can get to a meeting at the Alano Club. My Sig Other doesn’t want me to go there anymore. I see no problem with going there, as long as he is not there. I am not going to leave any of my other friends just because he is looking at things in back and white. I guess that what the deal is that he thinks that because my friends did not stop me from seeing this man that meant that they encouraged me to see him. All my friends told me that I was wrong. But, there is another issue as to whether I should stay with somebody who drinks on a daily basis. It is crazy the way he sees things.
Well, this is enough gibberish for now.
Until L8R-

Got A Job!!

I am going to try another font this time and see how this really works.

It has been quite a while since I have posted onto this blog. I cannot believe it!! It is so easy to take the time to post when I am in a bad mood, but as things got better, I have stopped posting as much. Maybe it is because I am so busy recently. I have started my job search and I am working right now. It is kind of amazing how things are working out right now. I have had so many positive post to write every night, but I just haven’t had the time to post them all.

I guess that I have to play catch-up on the November posts. Oh, yeah!! I can do it though. Like I already said, things have been going pretty well the last couple weeks. I have had two interviews. I need to remember what day I had the first interview so that I can post about that. I also need to post about the second interview. To say the least, I got the job with the second interview. Yeah!! Once again, I will try to remember what day I got the job and post about that with that day’s post.

Things are changing in my life so much. Sometimes I get so worried when things go well, because I am not sure how long this will last. I guess that this is a self esteem problem. I deserve good things in my life!!! This all happened so suddenly, though. It was like a couple weeks ago, I was sitting at the Alano Club all day, doing very little to improve my life. Next thing I knew, I had $537 in cash and a few hundred dollars in food. A little later, I had a much needed new coat, and my son ended up with six pairs of pants. Outside of socks and underwear, it has been a few years since the kids have gotten new clothes. My daughter also got a really nice new coat. We all deserved this stuff. I even made an investment in new towels.

Well, I guess that I posted enough for today. I am now at the point where I am going to have to play catch up again. Can I do it? Yes, I can!!