Posting again

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Once again, I am sitting here in front of the computer thinking about what I want to write. I try to turn to my Higher Power to tell me what I should write about today. Who knows, maybe I am not meant to write a post today, and this is why I cannot think of anything interesting to write about.. Maybe I should surrender and stop posting to this blog. Maybe blogging is not the thing for me to be doing. I get this idea all the time though. I get this idea when I am sitting in AA meeting. I keep feeling that everything I have to say is stupid and that I have nothing to contribute to the meeting.

If I keep up with this though pattern, I will live my life in silence. I have a voice and I need to use it.

I just had a bunch of thing go through my mind that I wanted to post about, but now they do not seem as important as they did as they did as I was thinking about them. This is why I wanted to us the post-it notes to keep up with this. I know that journaling is a useful tool for recovery. I am not sure whether blogging it is as important. I guess that in a way,blogging falls into my Ego. I am looking for people to love me. I cannot make people love me. Like I said yesterday, I need to learn to love myself. I really should read what I write about and see if I really like it. Some of the post that I wrote in the past were boring to me. I did not really say anything that was or would be useful to me in the future.

Maybe I should read other people’s blogs also. I am not sure that I am really looking at the progress I have made over time. Have I made any progress? I just read something on a blog that made me think. Today I am spell checking my blogs. I have not really gotten into proof-reading them for repeating statements and such. But, just the idea that I am at least making sure that some of the words are spelled correctly is a bit of improvement. I remember my SO’s daughter getting onto my case about my spelling of words. .

Alpha Inventions

I woke up to something interesting this morning.  I went to check my blog stats this morning and was surprized.  Usually I only got one or two visitors per day.  Well, this morning there were 17 hits to my site.  I was amazed.  I thought that myabe one of the blog exchanges accepted my blog.  But this was not the case. A site called Alpha Inventions had found this site.  I was getting all sorts of traffic from the site.

I would like to thank the site for the suprise visit and for including my blog on their site.

Thank You!
